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Affiliate or not to Affiliate

Teresa King

Affiliate programs can bring you money. They can also
be time consuming and cost you money without you even
realizing it.

When you jump in to join an affiliate program, STOP.
Take a breath, stand up and do some jumping jacks
or rush off to get a glass of water then come back
and ask yourself:

Why am I joining this program?
Does it fit in with the theme of my website?
Am I an affiliate to a similar program?
Can my potential customer sign up and buy from himself,
leaving me out in the cold?

Once you decide the above, next consider this.

Am I a member of what I am affiliating with?
Do I really know if what I recommend to others is quality?
Will I spend money to advertise this new affiliate program?
Will I spend time setting up this affiliate program?
How established is this program?
Who owns this program? Is he or she reputable?

Well, that was a lot of questions for you, however this
is what you need in an affiliate program:

You need stability. You need the affiliate program to be
a two tier program or one that only members are allowed to

Why stability?

Because their payment plan will more than likely
stay the same, or be close to what you signed up for.

Why two tier or membership only?

Because, if it is one tier the chances are very high that a
person who sees it is one tier will affiliate and then buy from
themselves, saving them the money that should have gone for your

If it is two tier, at least, you have a chance of collecting
a commission on the second tier.

If it is a membership only, then they have to buy through you to
get the product.

To sum it up, unless you just love a program and you want to
recommend it knowing your chances of reaping the rewards for
your efforts are almost zero, then think twice before leaping
into an affiliate program. Your efforts can be almost wasted
in your time and advertising dollars, in recommending a program
that you don't have much chance of pulling in a commission.

Remember, whenever you send someone off your site, you are taking
a chance of losing that customer. Be careful in where you send

And, beware of not being a member of what you are recommending.
Remember, branding your honor, reliability and trustworthiness
is your "name" on the net. Making mistakes like recommending
programs that you have not tried yourself; can be costly.

Teresa King is the author of Ezine Marketing Made Easy,
Profit on the Net for Beginners and What Did Mama Forget
to Teach You. Stop in to her site at