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Business Owner's Lifestyle - Is it What You Imagined?

Lynn Terry

Being in business for yourself is a lifestyle. Ask yourself why you chose (or why you are choosing) to start your own business... Did you:

Want more freedom? Want more time? Want more money? Now ask yourself, Do I have more freedom? Do I have more time? Am I making more money? And while you're at it... Am I having FUN?! If you answered "no" to any of these questions, its time to go back to the drawing board!

Your first step is to define what it is you enjoy most, and what it is that you enjoy least about your lifestyle as a business owner. The things that you don't enjoy, or that cause you stress, need to be delegated or eliminated immediately. Partner with another professional, Barter for services, Delegate responsibilities to an employee or intern, or Streamline your operation - there are a number of ways to go about it, just get it done!

Next, your vision for the future must be clear. What is the desired end result? Take money out of the picture altogether, and figure out where you want to be ten years from now. (Take money out of the picture??? YES. "Getting Rich" or achieving financial success is not a clear goal... it is a means of funding your TRUE goals)

From there, define your short term and long term goals. What will it take to achieve your desired results? How long will it take? Create an associated task list, and start making the appropriate changes TODAY!

Live, Love & Learn in all that you do ~ To achieve this is to achieve success!

I highly recommend you pick up a copy of Mark LeBlanc's book: “Growing Your Business, What You Need to Know – What You Need to Do”. Study his concepts on Defining Statements (Chapter Two) and “The greatest marketing strategy in the world” (Chapter Three).

Over the weekend I also read “The Greatest Salesman in the World” by Og Mandino. EXCELLENT book – and endorsed by Mark LeBlanc. Anyone in any type of business can enjoy and appreciate this piece of work! If you are ready to take your business up a level NOW – grab these two books and put their concepts to use immediately!

About the Author

Learn the difference between websites that COST you money and websites that MAKE you money. Take your online business to the next level!