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Is a Home Business Your Thing?

D C Wartenberger There's a hype touring the world. A kind of magic resolution to enable everybody to live an easygoing life with no more financially problems ever again: Home-based business in context with internet marketing.

Doesn't it just sound too good to work at home and make money the easy way? Why should we go on with this 9 to 5 when we could make the big money while sitting at home? Wouldn't it just be THE THING for you?


Sit down and think before you quit your job and ask yourself some questions:

Do you honestly want to work from home? (I mean really work) - Are you able and willing to invest your time even when there is no direct return for maybe some months? - Are you open to learn and to follow training? - Are you the type to discipline yourself to work regularly? - Do you like to communicate? - Can you picture a vision? - Can you motivate yourself again and again and again?

If you could answer all the questions with yes – and please do that honestly to yourself - Home Business is the right thing for you.

So what to do now?

To get to know into what you are moving I recommend you should start to invest 1 or 2 hours a day beside your existing job. This is a safe method to get to know the business and to find out if you feel content with this kind of work. Believe me, you will need a time to understand the real internet marketing/promoting and its system.

Plus you could start to build an income during this time and there wouldn't be a hard break for you when the day is there to become a fulltime home-based business entrepreneur. Your own boss!

Realize before ever starting: When you decide to work for yourself – it means WORK and YOURSELF.

Nobody to tell you to do your work but you – Nobody to tell you where to start but you - Nobody to tell you when to stop but you – And nobody to blame but you – You are the boss now, with all the consequences.

If you think you can do this – Then Home Business Is Your Thing!

Once you entered this road you may find it irritating first, as so many opportunities appear. You may even stumble a few times till you are able to tell if an opportunity is professional and fits your business. But as long as you think positive and work concentrated and focused on your target you're on the right way to a life, which is directed by you and it will lead you to success. The best way to start is to follow a training. A good coach and your firm intention is a 99% guarantee to your success. You don't have to learn it the hard way; you can just follow a proven system.

Which one this will be? Well, this decision is up to you. THIS IS YOUR THING AND YOU ARE THE BOSS NOW!

Copyright 2004 D C Wartenberger

About The Author

Located in Germany, partime living in Brazil on my own ranch. Fulltime Home Business Entrepreneur

D.C. Wartenberger is the owner and webmaster of

Training - Opportunities - Resources - Tools - Links.

"I love internet marketing for its challenges and it enables me to live part time in Europe and on my farm in Brazil."
