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We're Ranked #1 on MSN & YAHOO! : Business Networking Community

Lynn Terry

If you haven't already signed up for a FREE Member Profile at, I encourage you to do this today! Ryze is a high-traffic business networking community, and is well worth your time to set up a detailed profile. you'll be impressed at how many responses (and hits to your website!) you receive in the first couple of days alone!

Click here to see my profile at as an example:

How to get the most out of your free membership at :

1) Add a photo Adding a photo increases the hits to your Ryze Profile page, as many visitors search the directory for profiles that include a photo. This also makes your profile more interesting, and gives the visitor a sense of "knowing you" - which increases the chances of them making contact with you!

2) Create an HTML description Let visitors to your page get to know more about you and your business! Create a colorful and descriptive blurb that includes images and links that will compel them to visit your website or sign up for your newsletter. (If you need help creating an HTML description, email me - I'll gladly put one together for you in exchange for a link!)

3) Join Networks & post questions and/or solutions has message boards that they call "Networks" or "Tribes". You'll find a link labeled "Networks" in the left side navigation bar of your profile page - click here and join as many Networks as you can find that relate to your interests. You have the option of receiving a notification by email of any new posts, which will help you stay involved in group discussions. TIP: Since most people receive email notification, which includes only the title of the post, make sure that your subject/title is compelling enough to make them click & read your post! "Intro" or "New Here" just wont do... Try something like "Intro: Lynn Terry of SSWT, Need Marketing Ideas".

4) Browse profiles & add potential clients/partners to your friends list Chances are, when you add someone to your friends list, they will in turn add you to theirs - this creates a link from their page to yours, potentially bringing you new visitors as they surf from page to page. I've had several people contact me and say that they found me in another member's list!

5) Sign guestbooks You can start by signing the guestbooks of those that have signed yours. You can also browse profiles to find people or businesses that interest you. The more detailed and informative your entry, the more likely someone will click through to your page after reading it!

About the Author

Learn the difference between websites that COST you money and websites that MAKE you money. Take your online business to the next level!