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5 Self-Publishing Ways To Earn Continous Cash From A Single

Christopher Kyalo While it is clear that writers and self-publishers will never be able to attract the same rates online that they did from offline publications and media, it does not mean that online writers doomed to starvation. If anything a number of them are already proving that many online writers and self-publishers will end up making a lot more cash than their offline counterparts ever did.

Actually already we are starting to see online writer's incomes grow steadily. However what has confused a lot of folks is the fact that the rules online are very different. It is useful to examine a few of these differences because it will help us understand the online rules better and how to make money as an online writer with less effort.

Why Online Rules For Writers And Self-Publishing Are Different

The offline media has always been fat from the high advertising rates attracted and in some cases from a high circulation on a healthy cover price. The result was that freelance writers could live off a few articles a month. This is in sharp contrast to webmasters looking to pay single-digit figures for 500-word articles.

What all this means is that there are only two ways a writer can make money. Either by selling the same content to hundreds of sites or by finding a way to earn a continuous stream of cash from a single article. The first option doesn't fly on the net because the World Wide Web is not a local fragmented medium. Rather the feeling is that when an article is published at one site, the whole world has seen it because the whole world has access to it. While this may not be entirely true, it is the general feeling and it greatly limits the number of different web sites you can sell a single article to.

In this article we examine closely what writers and self-publishers online are doing to maximize on their earnings from a single article.

Self-Publishing For AdSense

So far this has proved to be the most lucrative source of revenue for self-publishing and writing online. AdSense are pay-per-click ads from Google that are posted on web sites and blogs all over the net. When people click on them Google shares their income with the owners of the blogs or web sites.

So a writer writes a single article and posts it at a blog somewhere where it attract relevant Google AdSense ads and they will continue aerning money from that single article for years to come. Even if an article earns $ 2 a day on average, it will end up earning the writer $730 a year. Not bad when it has the potential of doing the same for the next couple of years.

The trick with Adsense is to use the right keywords that will attract ads that will pay a lot more when people click on them. It is said that there are some keywords that will attract ads that will pay out as much as $100 per click. My special report provides tools that will help a writer find the highest paying Adsense keywords.

Self-Publishing At A Site That Sells Content For You

The great challenge for any writer is that they have to be good at two very different tasks. At writing and also at selling and marketing their writing. Not any more, web sites have emerged that will gladly sell your articles for you, leaving you with the task of writing them. The particular site I have in mind has experience selling license rights to the same article to various web sites, meaning that the writer can earn again and again from the same single article.

Self-Publishing For Traffic

Self-publishing your article and content at various other sites is a powerful tool for increasing traffic to your site by creating links to it and also causing folks to visit your site for more information.

So the result is that a single article can earn you cash for a long time by simply directing targeted traffic to your site where some of the folks will click at your Adsense ads while others will purchase something, maybe your special report based on some of your articles.

Self-Publishing At Blogs

An increasing number of organizations are paying people to blog. Some will pay bloggers for the traffic their articles attract while others pay writers a commission from the Adsense revenue that their articles generate. There are a host of different programs a writer or self-publisher can use to generate income from a single article for years to come.

Self-Publishing A Special Report

It is very easy to convert your article into a special report, which you can then sell at your site. Even if you charge pocket-change for your special report, over time you could earn thousands of dollars from it.


Now imagine the potential if you were to ensure that every single article you wrote was slightly adjusted so that it was able to earn you a steady income stream from all the 5 revenue generating ideas we have talked about in this article. That's how a self-publishing online writer can make over $ 100,000 a year.
About the Author

Christopher Kyalo earns a good living writing online. Get his special report that is a more detailed version of this article from He can be reached at strongwallafrica at