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Freedom and Democracy

Tenille Martin

Why democracy is important
"If we fail now...we will have forgotten that democracy rests on faith."

So much emotion is wrapped up in those words, spoken by Lyndon B. Johnson at his inauguration in 1965. Lives have been sacrificed, dreams put on hold, and heroes uncovered in the efforts to uphold the precious treasure of democracy.

When the Pilgrim's first stepped off the boat, their dream was freedom. Freedom to live, work and worship in a land where the government was not a tyrannical king but a body of free men elected by the people to govern and guide.

When we elect officials to political office, we are electing people just like us. People that we believe have the ideas that will shape our future and our countries future in the right direction. If we have faith in our dreams, it is our responsibility to encourage others who believe in that dream. Voting gives us the opportunity to participate in shaping our country in the same way that our country's Founding Fathers have shaped our world.

Democracy is a government by the people and for the people. What is the reason for political and social movements? Why is it that we feel the need to impress upon others our belief systems? It all comes down to an eternal struggle for men's hearts, minds, and souls. For centuries, men have been fighting for freedom. Whether theirs or another's, the fight for physical or emotional freedom has been at the crux of every battle in history. However, the past few decades have seen a shift in people's ideals and mental sanctions. The value of the knowledge of good and evil has slowly diminished into an age of no morality or care about fellow man. The view of the majority of people in the world is to do everything possible to further their personal careers at the expense of relationships, health, and belief systems. The important part of this realization is the minority of people who are looking at the world through a larger lens. Those are the few that will change the world. The question is whether they will change it for the well being of others, or for their own personal achievements.

What makes the Communists hold the upper hand in world politics? Why do they have such a strong group of followers even in light of the strengths evident in the view of democracy? First, we must believe that there is not only room for change but a crucial need for it as well. We must recognize which battles further the fight for freedom and which will take up valuable time and resources only to fail in the long run.

To evaluate our goals and be able to prioritize them effectively, we must understand the kind of world we live in. We must not only understand our beliefs, but the beliefs of others and the reasons behind their acceptance of that particular belief system.

The observation of other beliefs in the light of our own worldview is crucial and has its place, however we must try to look at other worldviews in an objective light. Not only what they believe, but also what has brought them to this place, and how we can show them our views in an understanding light. Too often, we seek to be understood without seeking to understand.

The Communists are preeminent in the field of recruitment and creating a sense of dedication to their cause. They harness the power of idealism, and the talents unique to each individual. They use the starry eyed dreams of youth, the willingness to sacrifice, the want of adventure and the devotion of every waking moment. True leaders give their followers a cause to die for, a sense of dedication and devotion, and then send them into effective, meaningful action.

We must train the followers of our movement, the volunteers of our organizations so effectively that at any time they are qualified to come forward and take a leadership position. Therefore, we must indwell in them confidence in their leadership capability, and educate them to be comfortable in any situation with others that hold their belief systems or those that are adamantly opposed to all they stand for.

We must be the best at everything we do. We must strive for excellence and never settle for second best. Our lives should be movement inspired from a fire within to express our beliefs to the world and set others free with the truth.

About the Author

Tenille is currently a freelance writer and editor. She is a former professional ballet dancer and actress.