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The Power of Home Equity Loans

Syd Johnson A home equity loan is a great way to consolidate your debts, get a lower interest rate and manage your household budget. After a few years of paying down your mortgage you can use your new home equity to eliminate all your other debts. A home equity loan allows you to get a loan using the equity in your home as collateral.

This makes it a secured debt because you have an actual possession, the house that can be sold if a creditor needs to reclaim the money that you borrowed.

How does the home equity loan help you?
Consolidate your bills. If you are like most homeowners, you are juggling several different debt payments including student loans, credit card bills, car loans and more. If you want to consolidate all of your debts then a home equity loan is probably the best way to go.

You are borrowing against stored cash, the equity in your home, so you can usually get a better deal from your bank and borrow larger amounts than if you tried to get a personal loan with no collateral. In addition, you will probably get a low interest rate that is great for cutting down credit card and other high interest debt.

The rate will be slightly higher than you would get on a first mortgage so some caution must be followed before you decide that a home equity loan is the solution to your debt problems.

The interest on your home equity loan is tax deductible. This gives you an even better opportunity to get rid of your debt. Once you factor in the savings from your tax deductible interest payments you will see that the cumulative interest that you pay for borrowing is even less.

A home equity loan is not without risk
It is often said that the best way to get out of debt, is to stay out of debt. If you cannot pay off the new debt that is now secured with your real property, you can lose your home. A home equity loan is a temporary proposition and must be approached in such a manner.

If you are overwhelmed and overextended, only a long term financial strategy that includes budgeting, paying off existing debts and possibly increasing your income can really lead to a debt free lifestyle.

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Syd Johnson