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How To Make SERIOUS Money On The Internet!

A.T.Rendon Some people actually come online to make money.

They join every affiliate program and MLM opportunity
in sight, they email everyone they can, place ads in all
the FREE Ad sites that are available, join discussion
groups and basically invest HUGE amounts of time
and effort for the sole purpose of reaping a profit.

Does anyone actually make any money online?


They do make money working online.

Some folks are even lucky enough to make a LOT
of money working online, more often than not by
being one of the first to join a program that gets hot.

But the vast majority of people operating as I have
described above, will NOT make significant amounts
of income.

Sure, you can make money working as an affiliate
for some other online enterprise. But you are working
for someone else.

The best you can hope for is to earn a small percentage
of the total take involved.

And, many have made money with MLM projects online
but this is also a situation where you are working for
someone else and for a small percentage.

You will earn those small $20 or $25 commission checks
after investing several months of hard work and so much
time that you are lucky to reap a few pennies per hour of
your time invested.

That is NOT the way to make money online, that is the
way to earn meager money only.

But there is a secret to breaking that meager money cycle.

You will NEVER make significant amounts of money
working online until you change one key ingredient
of the online money making recipe.

That key ingredient is to make, offer and own your
very own unique service or product.

Do not let this idea scare you.

If you can grasp this concept and act upon it, you will
have established the foundation that you need to make
some truly SERIOUS MONEY working online.

What is my definition of making truly SERIOUS MONEY?

SERIOUS MONEY is earning several thousands of dollars
per month from all of your online efforts.

Is this also your idea of truly SERIOUS MONEY?

Now let's examine the key ingredients to the recipe for
making this truly SERIOUS MONEY online:

1. Make, Offer and Own Your Own Product or Service.

This is the KEY ingredient of the recipe.

You MUST make, offer and own your very own unique
service or product.

2. Have A Payment System In Place.

You MUST have a payment system in place that will allow
your customers to pay for your product or service online.

3. Identify Your Customers.

You MUST know who is your customer and you MUST know
why they would want to purchase your product or service.

4. Establish Your Own Email List.

The Internet is all about GLOBAL COMMUNICATION and the
most fundamental as well as the very best form is email!

5. Build Your Web Site.

Whereas email is the BEST form of COMMUNICATION, a web
site is the BEST form of INFORMATION DELIVERY.

And, not only can your web site best inform your customer,
it can also then lead him or her to the CLOSE OF THE SALE.

Afterall, that is the natural progression of a business
transaction, be it in the real world or online in cyberspace.

You attract the attention of a potential customer via
COMMUNICATION, you INFORM the customer fully
what, how and why your product or service will
benefit their lives and you receive PAYMENT for the
transfer of your goods or services.

These are the fundamental, KEY ELEMENTS, necessary
for successfully making truly SERIOUS MONEY online.

I invite you to join a FREE 3-month email course that will
show you in exact detail, a practical example of how to
start and run your very own SERIOUS MONEYMAKING
online business:

Just follow the above fundamental, KEY ELEMENTS, and
you will be successful in making truly SERIOUS MONEY.

About the Author

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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