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How to Have More Money by Organizing Yourself

Barbara Myers 1. Appear to be organized at the office and people will see you as smarter and more competent which will lead to pay raises and better jobs. This includes your desk, paperwork,
timeliness and wardrobe.

2. Have a designated place to store receipts so you can easily return items.

3. File your tax-deductible receipts together so they'll be ready for tax season.

4. Keep everything in it's place so you won't run out and buy a duplicate of something you already have but can't find.

5. Store your financial records together and review them on a regular basis.

6. Have a budget and stick to it. Keep track of expenses and you'll be less likely to spend money on trivial items.

7. Stock your kitchen and plan ahead for dinner so you'll eat out less often.

8. Plan several months ahead for normal purchases so you can buy in bulk and take advantage of sales. This includes food staples, paper goods, toiletries, clothing and gifts.

About the Author

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer, author and speaker. Free tips and articles to help you take control of your time by organizing your life.