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Make More Money: Simplify The Process

David Moore

Most people get involved in an online business opportunity only to find out that it is a great deal more complicated than they were led to believe. So they either throw caution to the wind and invest indiscriminately as they become bombarded with advertising and promotions tools, or they simply throw up their hands and say, “this is way too much for me.” Either way, they are throwing something. My purpose in this article is to try to explain the fundamentals of online business marketing so we don’t “throw” out the opportunity before we really understand it.

Like any business, to be successful an online business must have a strategy. This strategy should include, but not be limited to, the following, depending on the nature of the business.

1. Target your product or service. Whatever it is that you are selling, you need to know who the likely candidates are for buying. This means you do some research. You can either spend a lot of money and let others do the research for you (and there are tons of companies that specialize in this) or you can simply type in some key words related to your product or service on various search engines and see what comes up. Soon you will be able to construct a demographic profile of your target audience; age, gender, interests, etc. One you feel you have a fairly good handle on who you need to market your product or service to you can go to the next step.

2. Identify the uniqueness of your product or service. Why is what you are offering better than others? What makes it unique? Is it the affordability? Is it the versatility? Does it meet a specific need? If so, what? To be successful in getting others interested in what you have to offer you have to find a way to express it in a way that captures their imagination while not directly criticizing your competitors. That will only turn people off.

3. Test the reliability of the company. Most people want to know that the company the are representing is reputable and that it has a good track record of success. You can easily find this information by going to a search engine and typing in the name of the company and then the word “news.” You will find news articles, news groups comments, and news forums. Read through them to see what others are saying about the company. Don’t just accept what the company says about itself.

4. Learn everything you can about the product or service you are representing and about the company that has established a marketing system for selling these resources. Every company has a home page with numerous links that will provide this information.

After you have completed these four simple steps sign up as an affiliate marketer for the company that best suits your interests and competencies and stick with it. Don’t expect overnight success. Don’t start joining all kinds of other marketing programs thinking that you need to spread yourself as far across the internet as possible to gain success. It’s better initially to be good at promoting one product or service than trying to bring other things into your business. You run the risk of having products and services across the board that don’t relate to each other, causing confusion in the minds of potential buyers, including potential downline affiliates if that’s the marketing plan you have chosen. You also run the risk of being unable to answer questions about all of the plans you are marketing. I understand the principle of MSI , “multiple streams of income.” And I agree that any serious home based business entrepreneur needs to embrace more than one income earning opportunity. All I’m suggesting is that you “walk before you run.” Learn the basics through promoting one really solid business opportunity before you move on to others.

So in essence what I’m saying is do your homework, select a reputable online business opportunity, learn it well, promote it, start to see some results, then take what you have learned into the process of adding to your business profile. If you don’t you’ll make some regrettable decisions, you’ll spend more money than you need to spend to be successful, and you’ll be frustrated a great deal of the time. Take it from someone who has been through the experience.

About the Author: David Moore is a member of the Wealth Online Website system. He is a home based online business entrepreneur and teaches Anthropology and Cross-cultural Communications at a University (part-time). David has also served on the administrative staff of a faith-based humanitarian aid organization. He has completed post graduate programs in both Cross Cultural Communications and Higher Education Administration. He believes that all self-generated wealth must include a provision for giving back to the community, the church, and other worthy causes. If you would like more information on his online business, please visit his website at:
