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Money is an idea!

Patrick Quek

Money is an idea, take your first step to create wealth!
Money is an idea!

Most of the people are not wealthy and this is a fact. However, how many people have actually define wealth? Almost more than 80% don't give wealth a definition. The world has plenty of money to go around and is definitely in abundance.

Many people just dream of having a million dollars and they are happy. What is wrong with this? I do that too but if you just DREAM then it will always be a DREAM!! Wake Up!! Don't just dream, let's do something.

When I was a teenager ( I still considered one.. ), I figured out that a job won't get me to acheive the million-dollar dream. Although an engineer would command a respectable pay and status, I could not afford to work 24/7 to save a million dollars.

Asking my parents how to have a million dollars. The answer I was given was no more than a "Boy, you must be dreaming! You never going to make that kind of money!" To them, a million dollars was a dream. But to me, I knew this was a BIG project to embark.

The first thing you have to do is to clearly define wealth and money. Money talks around the world, cash is king. How to define wealth? This depends on individuals, some may settle for a million while others desire more.

Try this, close your eyes and feel what you can do with your new found wealth. In other words, you are rich and you go to work just you wish to.

Ok, I call this Money Experiment One and I break out the details just for you.

Equipment: You, a piece of paper and a pen/pencil. Time: 1 minute or less.

Step 1: Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Step 2: On your mind, clearly define your wealth in numbers that you desire in this lifetime.

Step 3: After you have the numbers, quickly write it on the piece of paper.

Step 4: Ta da! This is your new,clear and concise wealth in numbers.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1 to 4 every time you go to sleep. In a matter of time, this is your habit and you will automatically find ways to create wealth. (Not marry wealth or go and buy a lottery ticket.)

Step 6: Introduce this method to your spouse (maybe she reckons that you are crazy), children, relatives and friends. Do this activity together, have FUN!!

That is the end of today's lecture and may your life fill with joy and passion. In the coming newsletters, I would touch on how you can change your thinking and beliefs in order to function as a rich mind.

About the Author

Patrick Quek is an undergraduate in computer engineering. Business, investments and personal development are his interests.